Andrew Allen


Andrew Allen

Over on our Facebook Group ‘SEO For Startups‘ we were recently asked a great question and I wanted to share it – along with our answer – on our blog…

facebook post content

What’s the question?

So Amit here is asking a great question, and it’s something a lot of people don’t even think about.

He’s asking how he can best use the content he creates to get the most SEO value.

We’ve already spoken about how to ‘SEO’ the content itself, over on this blog post.

But how can you use that same content for even further SEO benefits?

You might notice also that even though you’ve optimised the post perfectly – you still don’t rank for your target keywords. So what can you do about this?

Distributing content for better SEO

The best thing you can do with your content once it’s optimised is to distribute it to your audience.

What does distributing content mean? This means ‘sharing’ your content with your audience/s via relevant channels. This will significantly increase the reach of your content and get it in front of your audience now.

Don’t wait until you start to rank on page 1; without good distribution you may never get there anyway!


Tips for distributing content

Here’s a few of our best tips to distribute your content and get maximum SEO value:

1. Push your content on relevant social media groups.

facebook post beyond

You want to hunt down where your audience congregate on social media and share it with them there. For example, whenever we create a new post we share it in our Facebook Group! This is perfect; it’s the exact audience we wrote it for, and who we want to see it.

Tip – go to [insert social media channel here] and search for keywords around your industry/niche/customers and filter to groups. This should bring some up, and then look at the recommendations you get. These will be based on relevance.

Channels great for groups are:

  1. Facebook
  2. Linkedin
  3. Slack
  4. Reddit

Don’t forget to share it on your own social channels too.


2. Get influencer engagement

Identify the top influencers within the topic you’ve written about and engage with them!

Ask them to contribute towards your content, maybe provide a quote. Or get them to proofread it.

Both of these will get their buy-in and then they’ll be very likely to share it with their audiences.

Not sure who are the top influencers? If you’re working within a niche there’s a good chance you know exactly who the top influencers are, but just in case you’re not sure then below is a great article with some free tools to use:

free influencer tools

3. Break up the content to answer questions

There are lots of question/answer sites around that you can push your content – specifically, answers within your content.

Sites like Quora, social media groups/pages and Reddit are great for finding questions that you can answer and then direct people to your content.

Look at the example below, someone asked on Quora ‘What is SEO?’ and it’s been answered over 100 times! Not only that, but 253 people are actively following this thread, so being the top answer is fantastic exposure…

quora seo


4. Syndicate your content

Syndicating content is the process of republishing your content on other people’s websites.

This is a great tactic to improve the reach of your content, as you are effectively piggy-backing off of their audience. But, not only can it get you in front of more people, but it can also gain you some new backlinks. And backlinks are GREAT for SEO.

If you’re interested in finding out more about syndicated content then here’s a great article to read –


5. Optimise for Google Answers

OK, so this one isn’t specifically distribution, but it’s a fine tip nonetheless. Ever seen one of these before when you search in Google?

Google answer boxes are a great way to get your content in front of your audience, and you don’t even have to occupy position 1 of the search results to be featured within it.

Following the guidelines I mentioned in this blog post will help your content to be visible within these answer boxes for relevant terms.

Also, you can go one step further – you can break down your existing content into ‘question-sized chunks’, and create additional landing pages on your website that will drive additional traffic.

Hope all this helps! As always if you have any questions then leave them in the comments below, or drop us a message within our Facebook Group!

Good luck,


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