Hike – Your SEO manager in a pocket

Hike will guide you through the SEO actions you need to complete to rise to the top of Google.
Check out some of the main actions below.

  • AI-Powered SEO Content

    Hike’s Content Wizard will automatically create optimized SEO metadata and headings for your pages based on the keywords you want to rank for. You can be confident you’re following SEO best practice for your SEO data.

  • Technical SEO

    Hike will continuously track and analyse your website from a technical SEO perspective, and highlight any areas you need to fix for better SEO performance (along with easy-to-follow guides on making any technical changes).

  • Easy-To-Follow Actions

    Hike provides you with monthly, easy-to-follow actions for improving your website’s SEO based on the most important SEO techniques, and aligned with Google’s latest updates. Every action is accompanied by guides on how to make those SEO changes – perfect for those who have never done SEO before!

  • SEO Your Website With The Onsite Optimizer

    After installing the Onsite Optimizer on your website, you are able to implement the SEO recommendations the platform suggests without leaving Hike. This revolutionary tool makes SEO a breeze, and takes only 5 minutes to install.

    > Learn more here.

  • Content Analysis

    Hike will analyse your onsite copy to find recommendations for content changes to make. Whether within meta data, heading or body copy – Hike will help you optimise your content for Google search as much as possible.

  • Pagespeed Improvements

    Hike connects directly with Google to see where you can make changes to your website that will improve your page speed; important for both user experience and your SEO rankings.

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