Gabriel Both

SEO Manager

Gabriel Both at Hike SEO

In this video, you will learn about keyword mapping and how to plan SEO content effectively. We’ll be covering the following three primary topics:

  1. What keyword mapping is and why it’s important
  2. How to map keywords to pages on your website
  3. How to avoid keyword cannibalization

Watch the video below or read the summary below, if you prefer instead:

Part 1: Understanding Keyword Mapping

Keyword mapping involves organising website content based on relevant keywords or topics. In the early days of search engines, specific keyword phrases determined search results. However, AI and advanced algorithms have shifted the focus to topics. A topic can have hundreds of keyword phrases or variations of words that define it.

Part 2: The Importance of Keyword Mapping

Keyword mapping is crucial for:

  1. Creating a logical website structure
  2. Identifying keyword gaps and opportunities
  3. Enhancing internal linking
  4. Simplifying content planning
  5. Improving tracking, management, and reporting

Part 3: How to Map Keywords to Pages

To map keywords to pages, follow these steps:

  1. Conduct keyword research
  2. Filter and group your keywords
  3. Create a keyword map
  4. Map existing URLs and create new ones
  5. Optimise and create content
  6. Update content regularly

Part 4: Avoiding Keyword Cannibalisation

Keyword cannibalisation occurs when multiple pages target the same keyword or topic, causing confusion for search engines. To avoid this, ensure that each page on your website has a unique topic.

Keyword mapping is essential for effective SEO content planning. By understanding the process and taking the necessary steps, you can create a well-structured website that ranks higher in search results and provides value to your audience.

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