Gabriel Both

SEO Manager

Gabriel Both at Hike SEO

In this video, we’ll discuss search engine indexing and how to improve your website’s crawlability. Ensuring that your site’s pages are discoverable and indexable is crucial for search engine optimisation. Watch the video or read the summary below:

What you’ll learn:

  1. What search engine indexing is and why it’s necessary
  2. The three processes of search engines during indexing
  3. Ways to index your site
  4. Frequently asked questions about search engine indexing

Section 1: What is Search Engine Indexing?

Search engine indexing organises web content for easy search and retrieval by search engines. It involves crawling and storing web pages and their content. Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, and DuckDuckGo use indexing software.

Section 2: The Three Processes of Search Engines

  1. Crawling: Discovering the pages on your website
  2. Indexing: Storing the pages in their database
  3. Ranking: Comparing your pages with competitors and other relevant results

Section 3: Ways to Index Your Site

  1. XML Sitemaps
  2. Google Search Console
  3. Robots Meta Tag
  4. Robots.txt File

Section 4: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to get your website indexed faster?
    • Ensure XML sitemap and robots.txt are in place
    • Use Google Search Console URL inspection tool to resubmit pages
  2. Do I need to tell search engines to crawl my website?
    • Not necessary, but manual submission can improve and speed up the process
  3. Do I need to alert search engines if I publish new content?
    • Keep your XML sitemap updated
  4. Can I get my page re-indexed if it’s been removed?
    • Modify the page according to webmaster quality guidelines and submit a reconsideration request
  5. How can I stop certain pages from being indexed?
    • Add a noindex meta tag to those pages
    • Use Google Search Console to remove URLs

If you have any questions about search engine indexing, feel free to ask. Also, try Hike SEO, a fantastic software for small businesses and SEO agencies serving small businesses. With a 14-day money-back guarantee, you can try it risk-free. Sign up at and get started. Thanks for watching, and see you in the next video!

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