Tags vs. Categories: A Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Tags & Categories

Managing content on your WordPress site involves more than just writing posts and publishing them. Proper organization of your content plays a critical role in improving user experience and boosting your site's SEO.

Tags and categories are two fundamental tools in WordPress that help achieve this organization. This guide will explore the differences between tags and categories, their benefits, best practices, and their impact on onsite SEO, complete with examples to illustrate their effective use.

For example, in WordPress, under "Posts", you can click on either Tags or Categories to manage each there and create new ones if you want:


What Are Categories?

Categories are broad organizational units in WordPress that help group related posts under a general theme. Think of categories as chapters in a book, where each chapter covers a specific topic. They are hierarchical, meaning you can have parent and child categories, which allows for a structured organization of your content.

Example of Categories

Suppose you have a blog about digital marketing. Your categories might include:


  • On-Page SEO

  • Off-Page SEO

Content Marketing

  • Blogging

  • Video Marketing

Social Media

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

Benefits of Using Categories

Improved User Experience: Categories make it easier for users to navigate your site. If a visitor is interested in SEO, they can quickly find all related posts under the SEO category.

Better SEO Structure: Categories help search engines understand the layout and structure of your site, improving your site's crawlability and relevance.

Efficient Content Management: As your content grows, categories help you manage and organize it effectively, ensuring a smooth navigation and maintenance process.

What Are Tags?

Tags are specific keywords or phrases that describe the details of your posts. Unlike categories, tags are not hierarchical and do not have parent-child relationships. They provide additional context and detail about the content, making it easier for users to find specific information.

Example of Tags

Continuing with the digital marketing blog example, tags might include:

For a post titled "Top 10 On-Page SEO Tips for 2024":
Tags: on-page SEO, SEO tips, 2024 SEO, SEO checklist

For a post titled "How to Create Engaging Instagram Stories":
Tags: Instagram marketing, Instagram stories, social media tips, content creation

Benefits of Using Tags

Enhanced Searchability: Tags help users find posts related to specific topics, leading to increased site engagement.

Better Context for Search Engines: Tags provide search engines with additional context about your posts, which can improve their relevance in search results.

Improved User Engagement: Tags link related posts, encouraging users to explore more of your content, reducing bounce rates, and increasing time on site.

Tags vs. Categories: Key Differences

Understanding the fundamental differences between tags and categories is essential for effective content organization:

Scope: Categories are broad and general, while tags are specific and detailed.

Hierarchy: Categories are hierarchical, allowing for subcategories; tags are non-hierarchical.

Purpose: Categories group related posts under a common theme, while tags highlight specific details of a post.

Best Practices for Using Categories and Tags

Using Categories

Limit the Number of Categories

Aim for a concise list of categories. Too many categories can dilute your site's structure and confuse users.

Example: A food blog should avoid having separate categories for each type of cuisine (e.g., Italian, Chinese, Mexican). Instead, broader categories like "Recipes" and "Cooking Tips" can be more effective.

Use Subcategories Sparingly

Only create subcategories when they add value.

Example: Under a "Recipes" category, subcategories like "Desserts," "Main Courses," and "Appetizers" can be useful, but avoid creating subcategories like "Chocolate Desserts," "Fruit Desserts," etc., unless you have a significant number of posts in each.

Ensure Unique Categories

Avoid overlap between categories.

Example: For a travel blog, having categories like "Travel Tips" and "Travel Advice" is redundant. Choose one to maintain clarity.

Using Tags

Be Specific and Relevant

Tags should be highly relevant to the post's content.

Example: A post titled "10 Tips for Solo Travel" might have tags like solo travel, travel safety, travel tips, adventure travel.

Limit the Number of Tags

Use a manageable number of tags per post.

Example: For the "10 Tips for Solo Travel" post, using 4-5 specific tags is better than adding 10-15 generic ones.

Avoid Duplicate Tags

Each tag should be unique and descriptive.

Example: If you have a tag "SEO tips," avoid creating another tag "SEO advice" for similar posts.

Impact on SEO

Both categories and tags are critical for SEO, helping search engines understand your site's structure and content.

How Categories Impact SEO

Site Hierarchy: Categories create a clear hierarchy, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site.

Topical Relevance: Well-organized categories help establish your site’s relevance in specific areas, improving your authority in those topics.

Internal Linking: Categories facilitate internal linking, which can distribute page authority and improve SEO.

How Tags Impact SEO

Additional Context: Tags provide search engines with more information about the content, improving its discoverability.

User Engagement Metrics: Tags can enhance user engagement by linking related content, which improves metrics like time on site and bounce rate, indirectly boosting SEO.

Internal Linking: Tags create additional internal links between related posts, which can help distribute link equity across your site.

Additional Tips for Optimizing Categories and Tags

  1. Keyword ResearchUse tools like Google Keyword Planner or Hike SEO to find relevant keywords for your categories and tags. This ensures you use terms that users are searching for.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Periodically review and update your categories and tags to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Remove or merge redundant or outdated tags.
  3. Avoid Tag Stuffing: Excessive tagging can be perceived as spammy by search engines. Focus on quality, not quantity, when tagging posts.

Example of Effective Tag and Category Use

Consider a health and wellness blog:

  • Categories:
    • Fitness
      • Subcategories: Strength Training, Cardio, Yoga
    • Nutrition
      • Subcategories: Healthy Recipes, Diet Plans, Nutritional Tips
    • Mental Health
      • Subcategories: Mindfulness, Stress Management, Therapy
  • Tags for a post titled "5 Yoga Poses for Beginners":
    • Tags: yoga, beginner yoga, fitness, flexibility, yoga poses
  • Tags for a post titled "10 Healthy Smoothie Recipes":
    • Tags: healthy recipes, smoothies, nutrition, breakfast ideas, vegan recipes

Frequently Asked Questions

How many categories should my WordPress site have?

There is no fixed number, but a good rule of thumb is to keep it between 5 to 10 categories. Too many categories can confuse users and dilute your site's structure, while too few can make it hard to organize your content effectively.

Can I assign a post to multiple categories?

Yes, you can assign a post to multiple categories in WordPress. However, it’s best to limit this practice. Assigning a post to too many categories can create duplicate content issues and confuse users and search engines about the primary focus of the post.

Should I use tags for every post?

While it’s beneficial to use tags to improve searchability and user engagement, not every post needs multiple tags. Use tags judiciously to describe specific details of the post that aren’t covered by categories.

How do tags and categories affect site speed and performance?

Properly managed tags and categories shouldn’t negatively impact site speed or performance. However, excessive use of tags or an overly complex category structure can slow down your site due to the increased number of queries required to retrieve content. Regular maintenance and optimization can mitigate these issues.

Can I change categories and tags after publishing a post?

Yes, you can change categories and tags after publishing a post. However, be mindful of the impact on existing links and SEO. Changes can affect the URLs if you use a category-based permalink structure, potentially leading to broken links. Use 301 redirects to guide users and search engines to the new URL if necessary.


In conclusion, categories and tags are powerful tools in WordPress that, when used correctly, can significantly enhance your site's SEO and user experience. Categories provide a broad structure, helping to group related posts and create a clear site hierarchy, while tags offer a more detailed description of your content, improving searchability and user engagement.

By following best practices, such as limiting the number of categories, being specific with tags, and regularly maintaining your taxonomy, you can create a well-organized site that is easy for users to navigate and for search engines to index.

Elevate Your SEO with Hike

Understanding and implementing effective SEO strategies can be challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. Hike SEO is here to help. Our platform provides comprehensive SEO tools and personalized guidance to optimize your WordPress site, improve your search rankings, and drive more traffic to your content.

Ready to take your SEO to the next level? Try Hike SEO today and start optimizing your WordPress site for better search visibility and user engagement!

By effectively leveraging categories and tags, you can enhance both the user experience and SEO performance of your WordPress site. Take the first step towards better SEO with Hike today!